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Welcome to SLKPS

 Shree Lalchuda Kadava Patidar Samaj welcomes you to our newly designed website. We hope that our members use this website to keep informed about our samaj's activities and so that we can add more members from all over the United States.

 Volunteer organizations are very difficult to run, as many people spend time with their families and careers, our hopes are that you help us run this organization by becoming involved when possible. Please give us your feedback and suggest your ideas to us, please encourage your children to provide input, and lets hope that the internet can be a great resource for our membership.

Convention Update
Adults: 151
Children: 36
Total: 187
Convention 2017
Adults: 382
Children: 225
Total: 607
Membership Update
LifeTime: 255
TwoYear: 2
Total: 255